Promotions Management

How to Create a Custom Group and Assign to items
To create a Custom Group, go to Products Catalog->Custom group tab. Then, expand the appropriate group listing and click on the + sign to add a new grou...
Mon, 6 Mar, 2023 at 4:29 PM
How to View Existing Promotions
To view promotions that have already been configured for you sites, click Promotions in the Navigation Bar. This will take you to the Promotion Listing scre...
Mon, 6 Mar, 2023 at 4:30 PM
How to Create a Mix Match Promotion
To create a new promotion, navigate to Products and click Promotions in the Navigation bar. This will take you to the Promotion Listing screen where you wil...
Tue, 7 Mar, 2023 at 11:53 AM
How to Copy a Promotion
To create a new promotion with new dates or same criteria as an existing or archived promotion, you can save time by cloning an existing promotion. Simply ...
Thu, 22 Apr, 2021 at 11:33 AM
How to Cancel a Promotion
Promotions can be canceled prior to the scheduled end date using the steps below. Click on the desired promotion from the Promotion Listing screen. Click ...
Tue, 7 Mar, 2023 at 11:56 AM