Navigate to Purchase and Inventory, choose Purchase and from the drop down choose Purchase Contract.

When you click the Purchase Contract tool a search criteria window will appear. To create a Purchase Contract, click the “Search” button to access the Purchase Contract Listing window.

The Non-Fuel Purchase Contract Listing window will appear. Click the “+New” button to generate a blank purchase contract template to fill-in.

The empty fields that appear red are required and must be filled in prior to entering in the items in the cost contract.

  1. Store Code – Select receiving store from the dropdown list
  2. Reference # – Type in the vendor assigned reference number (or type in a unique number, such as the date. EX: 012919
  3. Vendor Select the vendor with the fixed cost contract from the dropdown list
  4. Start Date – type it in or select the date from the dropdown calendar, the date the contract begins
  5. End Date – type it in or select the date from the dropdown calendar, the date the contract ends.

Type in the UPC/PLU/SKU of the item(s) with the purchase cost contract.

To Search, Export or Sort the data on this page, click the ellipses icon

Once the items are in the purchase contract invoice be sure to save your work by clicking the “Save” button.

You can view Purchase Contract violations from the action button of the non fuel invoices from vendor