Step 1- Assign Product type
The first step is assigning the food product type to the sellable item (ex: fountain cup upc). You can do this through the quick add tool or the batch edit attributes tool in Products Catalog. 
- For your fountain drinks or premade items, you will assign the product type 'Manufactured to sell. 

- For items that are manufactured, you will assign product type 'Manufactured to stock'

Step 2- Build the assembly (food formula)
This is done by linking/assembling the parent (sellable) item to the ingredient items, with appropriate quantities. I've included a sample below for a 'Medium Fountain' drink where the cup is the sellable item and straw, lid and bib are the ingredients.

For items that are Manufacture to Sell, the sales and waste of parent items will remove child ingredient items.

For items that are Manufacture to Stock, the Manufacture ticket will add selling item to inventory and remove child items immediately (see step 3).

To begin, navigate to Products then click Food Mgmt and then select Food Manufacture Formula option.

To create a new formula, click the New button at the top of the page

The Food Manufacture Formula Editing window will open
  1. Enter Parent (selling) UPC
  2. Enter Child UPC (ingredients)
  3. Enter the applicable qty
  4. Click OK to save
Ex: Medium Fountain Drink

Continue to use the New button to assemble all fountain ingredient items. The Medium Fountain example below shows cup, lid, straw and bib ingredients

Step 3- Manufacture Ticket (items that are manufactured to stock Ex: Deli Sandwich)

The final step to managing food products is to create the Manufacture Ticket. The ticket defines how many products were manufactured to stock, so total cost can be determined.

Items must be marked product type- Manufacture to Stock. When a Manufacture ticket is created, sellable items are added to inventory and ingredient items are removed from inventory immediately (versus when sold). The sellable items are added to inventory using the weighted cost of the ingredient items.

The Food Manufacture Profitability Report will show tracking of sales vs waste. Food Waste entries will only remove selling item from stock, as ingredient items were already removed when the manufacture ticket was created.

To create a Manufacture Ticket, click Food Management and then select Manufacture Ticket link

The Manufacture Listing page will open. Click the New button to start a new ticket

The Manufacture Editing page will open, fields in red are required

  1. Select Store
  2. Enter Date
  3. Enter Reference #
  4. Select manufactured item and click Add button

The item will be added to the ticket. Enter qty of items manufactured and system will compute total amount

Click the Save button at the top of the page when finished

Then click the listing page to return to the main Manufacture Listing page

If you need to view an existing Manufacture ticket, click on the ticket to view/edit the information